Email Security

Please note that the transmission of unencrypted e-mails is not secure. Unauthorized persons can take note of and manipulate the transmitted information without the sender and recipient of the e-mail being aware of this. An unencrypted e-mail is therefore more open than a postcard written in pencil.

For this reason, we recommend that messages worthy of protection, especially if they contain sensitive personal data, should be sent either conventionally by post or as an encrypted e-mail.

As an encryption standard, all our e-mail addresses support the OpenPGP standard.

In practice, the OpenPGP standard is the most frequently used and also preferred method of encrypted e-mail communication with GMP. For encryption with OpenPGP you need the program GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG). In addition, an extension for your e-mail program is recommended.

Please note that even with an encrypted email, absolute security cannot be assumed.

The public PGP key (expiry February 21, 2024) for our general contact address can either be downloaded from this website by searching the e-mail address or by downloading it here. The fingerprint is (to be used without spaces): B9AB E273 B305 F0A9 C811 A40C A725 9574 8220 2E58

The public PGP keys of all other email addresses of GMP can also be downloaded from this website or alternatively requested from us.