EU 261/2004 defense

We help you improve your punctuality, reduce
cancellations and thereby improve your product.

EU 261/2004 defense

Do not wait for the wave that floats away.

In 2004, the European Union decided, with its Decision 261, to strengthen the rights of passengers by allowing for compensation in the event of delays and cancellations. Since then, a veritable claim industry has evolved around this decision. Due to the increasing number of claims, it is even more important for airlines to minimize delays and cancellations. GMP will help you both to evaluate and revise your business processes, as well as to introduce efficient and effective procedures for recording reasons for irregularities. We also support you in the technical processing of claims: We have experienced pilots and flight service consultants under contract. In case of legal disputes we work together with specialized law firms. At your request, we also take over the entire processing of the claims against you. We offer different billing models for this purpose.

Structured handling of delays is essential to ward off financial and reputational damage. Learn more about Delay Management.

Delay Management should be part of the airline’s quality management and needs the direct patronage of executive management.

Airlines lose money daily due to underperformance by contractors that is not compensated. GMP changes that.

The Tactical Target concept is one of several preventative and acute measures with the aim of minimizing overall costs in case of an irregularity.