Business Performance

We help you to improve your business performance
reliably, effectively and sustainably.

Business Performance

Good is not good enough.

A sustainably competitive cost structure is a key to lasting success in aviation. High ownership costs, strong competition and cutthroat competition have turned passenger transportation into a low-margin business. All the more important is a smart product that customers trust. Functioning and resilient processes are the basis for predictable costs, especially in light of the passenger rights to compensation for delays and cancellations of flights, which have been strengthened by the European Union in 2004. Nowadays, the circumstances no longer forgive mistakes. GMP supports you in the analysis and redesign of your business processes, in the sharpening of your product and in the concentration on the value added chain. We support you in the prevention as well as in the efficient and successful execution and defense of compensation cases according to EU 261/2004 (read more). And we develop concepts to increase the utilization of your aircraft and your staff. Below are some examples of improving business performance. If you do not find your individual need, no problem. We certainly have a solution for you.

What does the ideal fleet look like? Which fleet strategy leads to a sustainable effectiveness and efficiency optimum. Get the maximum out.

Boeing 777 at the terminal

Despite many potential risks, the airplane is the safest of all means of transport. The reasons for this are also applicable to other industries and professions.

Don’t let personnel problems slow you down. We offer interim management to temporarily fill vacancies or to enforce unpleasant decisions.

Structured handling of delays is essential to ward off financial and reputational damage. Learn more about Delay Management.

The basing of crews requires a strategy. Good planning and foresight prevent dispute with staff and complexity costs.

Delay Management should be part of the airline’s quality management and needs the direct patronage of executive management.

Airlines lose money daily due to underperformance by contractors that is not compensated. GMP changes that.

We develop studies on your behalf, from small Business Cases to comprehensive Business Plans.

The classic Fuel Conservation concepts have now developed into holistic cost-saving and emission reduction concepts. Learn more about.

The Tactical Target concept is one of several preventative and acute measures with the aim of minimizing overall costs in case of an irregularity.

Onboard Data Mining offers totally new perspectives on your operations and can provide significant value.

Work organization in crucial areas has far-reaching effects, from company-threatening to being a success factor. Learn more with a sample case.