Operations Manual Author (m/f/d)

Job description

For the application and extension of AOCs of our customers we are looking for authors for operations manuals. In-depth knowledge of aviation law and experience with an airline or business jet operator is essential for this job. The work can be performed remotely (eg. home office) or alongside another job, including as a pilot. The job is initially advertised on a project basis (option of permanent employment in case of good performance, if desired).

Requirements in detail

  • Comprehensive knowledge in aviation law, particular EU 965/2012 and 1178/2011
  • Airline or business jet operator experience
  • Knowledge of a document management system (e.g. Vistair, Fleetplan, Webmanuals) beneficial but not mandatory
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office
  • Excellent English language skills

Your application

If you meet the requirements, please send us a meaningful application together with a resume and your salary expectations to working@goetzemueller.com.

Upon receipt of your application, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt from us. We will then contact you immediately. Of course, your application will be treated confidentially and your sensitive data will be handled in accordance with legal requirements.

We look forward to receiving your application!