Advantages through fleet optimization

Advantages through fleet optimization

Unified fleet.

Unified fleets offer many advantages: Complexity costs can be reduced and economies of scale can be created and utilized. Although the apparent optimum is operating a single series of a particular aircraft type, focusing on a single series entails risks, as the Boeing 737MAX crisis shows. Operating a single aircraft type also raises the question of dependence on a manufacturer. Are the advantages outweighed by various effects or is the dependency detrimental?

Economic optimum.

Basically, the question arises whether the aircraft used are even ideal for the range of applications. Ideal in this context means: the economic optimum. There are many factors involved in the assessment. Starting with Direct Operating Costs and followed by ground and system operating costs, reliability and resulting delay costs, the availability of personnel and spare parts, customer acceptance and influence on the product. The best is not necessarily the newest.

What are the consequences of being the launching customer of a new aircraft type or series? What advantages does the new aircraft offer, what kind of teething problems does it have, what disadvantages does it entail and what risks have to be taken – and how can they be covered?

Sustainable optimization.

GMP supports you in the analysis of the ideal fleet for your application. Together with you, we determine and optimize the costs for the optimization of your fleet and support you in the subsequent planning and implementation.

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