Application for an Approved Training Organization

Application for an Approved Training Organization

Not everyone is allowed to train.

In the following we focus on the requirements for applying for an Approved Training Organization (ATO) within the EASA Region. In cooperation with our partners and international aviation regulatory areas, we also offer applications for training organizations outside the EU. Please contact us for more information.

The law places special demands on the training of crews. This requires approval as an Approved Training Organization (ATO). The approved scope of an ATO can vary considerably. A flight school that trains private pilots has little overlap in terms of content with an airline that does type rating training for its pilots. Depending on the task area, training devices used and training methodology, the requirements for the conception and application for an ATO differ. From the scope comparable with the application for an Air Operator Certificate (learn more…), various requirements must be met for a successful application.

Your company should be a separate legal entity that is majority owned by individuals or companies within the EU. The location of the company determines the responsibility of the respective aviation authority.

Air law provides for certain responsibilities within the training organization. Under certain conditions, especially in small organizations, certain functions may be consolidated to one person. The management personnel is subject to strict legal requirements concerning both training and professional experience as well as the pursuit of activities. GMP supports you in the search and selection of suitable personnel. We also arrange training to obtain the legal prerequisites for your candidates.

Also in the training of pilots and flying personnel there are many rules and legal regulations. A training organization is obliged to map and document the legal provisions applicable to it in processes. Training procedures and processes are described in a Training Manual and an Operations Manual. All measures taken in the event of an incident or accident must be documented in an Emergency Response Plan. GMP assists you in the preparation of all documentation required for your approval.

All facilities, training devices such as flight simulators and aircraft require the prior approval of the regulatory authority. GMP assists you in selecting the ideal aircraft or training devices for the intended types of training, as well as in preparing for financing, negotiating with financing banks, leasing companies and aircraft or simulator manufacturers. Of course, we also support you in approving your aircraft or training devices.

We support you.

GMP supports you throughout the entire process from application to approval, as well as in parts of the application process or specific questions.

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