Feasibility Studies and Business Plans

Feasibility Studies and Business Plans

Good decisions based on good fundamentals.

Good decisions require good fundamentals, especially when the decision is of strategic importance or involves a considerable cost risk

Feasibility study.

A feasibility study, also known as a feasibility analysis or project study, is a comprehensive and careful examination of a potential project, consisting of a technical and economic evaluation, a stakeholder assessment and a risk analysis. Depending on requirements, it includes some or all of the following aspects: Economic feasibility and benefits, technical feasibility, organizational implementation, resources and availability, risks and mitigations, timings and legal implementation.

Examples of feasibility studies

  • Development of a new business segment
  • Establishment, spin-off, sale or closure of a business unit or entity
  • Potential analysis of acquisitions with the intention of a merger
  • Evaluation of a change in the vertical range of manufacture

Business plan and Business Case.

If the feasibility study is an analysis tool, the business plan is already an element of the planning. Depending on requirements, it contains elements of the feasibility study.

Example of an airline business plan

Using the example of a new airline to be founded, a business plan should present the following contents:

  • industry overview
  • target market analysis
  • competitive analysis
  • Opportunity
  • service offering
  • marketing and distribution
  • operations
  • management team
  • risks and mitigation
  • financials
  • implementation
  • capitalization

While the business plan describes corporate goals and the path to achieving them, the business case describes more specific goals. It evaluates an investment under strategic, business management aspects, opportunities and risks, and other aspects. Reasons for a business case are, for example, the implementation of a rationalization measure or the evaluation of an investment.

Decisive factors.

In addition to technical skills, further prerequisites for excellent feasibility studies, business cases and business plans are decisive:
– industry knowledge of the authors
– access to current figures and data
– access to the right research tools
– experience in writing studies

GMP meets all the above-mentioned requirements. Furthermore, we have the network that enables you to implement your project. Talk to us about your needs. At your request, we will be pleased to send you a confidentiality agreement in advance.

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