Practice Areas

With our know-how, we cover the entire range of
requirements of airlines and aircraft operators.

Practice Areas

With our know-how, we cover the entire range of requirements of airlines and aircraft operators.

Practice Areas

Within aviation, we focus on seven practice areas: Applying for and expanding your operating license, improving your business performance, asset management services, mergers and acquisitions, contract enforcement, protection for EU 261-2004 claims and management services, such as interim management or personnel placement. Our specialists come from the fields of airline, law, marketing and research. Specialists from other disciplines can be called in as needed.

Operating Permits

We support you in founding your airline by assisting in the application for the Operating License, the Air Operator Certificate (AOC) or the Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO) Approval. We also support the extension of your operating licence with additional regions, the entry into service of new aircraft types, specific approvals (SPA) or specialized operations (SPO). In the same way we support you, when applying for a training organization (ATO) or its extension to certain permissions. We also support in the non-commercial operation of complex aircraft (NCC).

Business Performance

Airlines operate in a highly regulated environment, mostly using the same aircraft and are subject to great competition. Customers are more and more focused on the price. The price sensitivity threshold is constantly decreasing and can also not be significantly increased with customer loyalty programs. Therefore, it is even more important for airlines to have an efficient and competitive cost structure and to keep it for the long term. We support you in optimizing your cost structure, because a cost advantage is also a long-term competitive advantage.

Asset Management

We advise you on the purchase of one or more aircraft. We also advise on the sale of an aircraft up to the sale of a whole fleet. We assist you in the search for buyers or sellers and, if you wish, we can arrange for aircraft valuation or aircraft financing specialists. If you intend to lease an aircraft, we arrange leasing companies for you. We support you in the creation of your own individual business case, be it for the financing of one or more aircraft, for the establishment of your airline or the start of a new business area. With us you have access to a large and reputable network in the trade of aircraft.

Merger & Acquisitions

In addition to our support in organic growth, we offer targeted growth services through acquisitions and mergers. We search and evaluate the best potential partners according to your requirements. We use a rating system designed specifically for airlines when assessing the companies in question. We accompany you throughout the entire process: From the first contact, the letter of intent, due diligence, deal design, contract negotiations and closing up to the post-merger integration. We are your key to successful inorganic growth and a noiseless, fast and efficient execution.

Contract Enforcement

Are you following any contract violation? From experience we know that with large airlines almost daily cases of substantial contract violations of contracting parties such as handling or fuel companies occur. We also know from experience that most of these cases can not be investigated due to their accumulation and staffing problems. As a result, many airlines pay money for not or insufficiently provided services. We stop this money drain for you while improving the quality of the services you buy. Use our easy system and we will enforce your claims together with our legal partners worldwide.

EU 261/2004 defense

Meanwhile, the strengthening of passenger rights has created a veritable claims industry. Due to the flood of claims, airlines are no longer in a position to distinguish legitimate from unjustified claims. We have developed processes that allow you in the event of irregularities, starting with the flight crew, to capture all the necessary information in an appropriate manner in order to respond efficiently and successfully on claims. Together with our legal partners, we take care of the handling of all your cases. In addition, we advise you on improving your processes to avoid claims.

Management Services

In cooperation with our partner companies we support you in the search and selection of appropriate management and executive personnel. We support companies searching for new employees as well as people looking for new challenges in aviation. We offer interim management as a bridging solution as well as for strategic purposes. And we support airlines with secondment solutions, such as the deployment of flying staff in the off-season. We also support you with downsizing, base closings or consolidations with concepts and socially acceptable solutions.

Our Services

We Provide Highly Reliable & Effective Solutions

We at GMP not focus on short-term effects only, but on highly reliable and effective results and solutions.

New business

We accompany you from the first feasibility study to the established airline. GMP is the specialist for all questions in commercial aviation.

Established company

We help you to improve both internally and in interaction with your customers and contractors. We make sure that your money stays with you.

We cover the entire spectrum of consulting for airlines. With the experience of our partners, we can make a valuable and sustainable contribution to the development of your company.

GMP was founded by experienced airline managers, pilots and entrepreneurs. Our partners worked for decades in the management of well-known airlines and have founded and managed several companies themselves. The founders were able to assemble a team of aviation specialists and lawyers who are also familiar with rare and complicated issues, such as the formation of an airline. With GMP, you can rely on a wealth of experience, for example when setting up and negotiating contracts: Benefit not only from experience but also from mistakes that others have already made for you.

GMP does not advise itself in legal matters. Instead, we work together with partner law firms that are experienced in aviation. Especially when it comes to enforcing contracts, we work together with local law firms to obtain the best possible results with regard to the agreed law. An example: You want to assert claims from a handling contract, concluded under local law in a third country. In this case, we assign a local partner law firm and take care of all communication. We support the local law firm with aviation expertise and remain your single point of contract for all questions, regardless which country or regulatory area. Learn more about efficient claim management.

Preaching water, but drinking wine” is not our credo. We start with ourselves: a small overhead, a lean and efficient cost structure and a stringent customer orientation. At the same time, we cover all airline and aircraft operator disciplines through our partners and our large and international network of specialists. At GMP every penny of our customers flows directly into the implementation of the task.

In addition to our partners and network partners, we have a large network of international contacts with local specialists, law firms, and aviation authorities. Tailored to your order, we assemble your team that advises and works for you.

GMP operates worldwide. We support European companies in issues within the EASA area as well as in other regulatory areas. We also support non-European companies in their issues related to the EASA area as well as any other regulatory area.

The aircraft is not without reason considered the safest means of transport these days. The key to this success lies in the strict and redundant organization of the aviation, continuous and recurrent trainings and well-thought-out threat and error management. These principles as well as concrete approaches can also be applied to other mission critical areas, such as medicine or the operation of complex facilities. GMP assists you in developing concepts and procedures for your application, based on aviation standards and knowledge.

For a Consultation Call ‭+49 (0) 201 7650 4045

We look forward to discussing your concerns in a first conversation over the phone. Further details should be discussed in a personal appointment. We are looking forward to meeting you!